What Are The Top 3 Roofing Materials

When considering an upgrade to your roof, or adding an extension with a roof to your property, you are going to want to consider what style of roofing is going to be the best. Today, we want to focus on what the best roofing materials are and why.

Metal is one of the best materials you can use for roofing. This is a material that is going to be the most versatile and long lasting. Giving you the best value for money. However it does not always look the nicest.

Slate is another material that is excellent for roofing across the United Kingdom. Slate material is going to be the most durable and be able to withstand many weather conditions. We also find that this is more visually appealing.

Finally, asphalt shingle roofing. This is the best roofing overall bringing the most benefits. From being long lasting, durable and visually appealing. This is a material that can be most commonly seen on homes across the UK.